How to get and use our app.
How to log in
Upon becoming a member, you will receive an email with links to download our app as well as your personal login credentials (username and password) for our app.
You may change the password sent to you after your first login or at any time thereafter.
For your convenience, once you are logged in you may stay logged in, even if you close the app.
Please find below a quick guide on how to log into your profile on the app.
How to reset your password
If your password does not work or you have perhaps forgotten your password, you can request a password change using the “Forgot you password?” option on the login screen.
Member Area Content
In order to access Member Area content, you will need to enter your Website Member Area credentials (email and password).
Below is a quick guide on where to access it and how to log into the Member Area. Once you have logged into the Member Area, the app will remember your login even during future sessions