Leading our Organisation
NAPD National Executive
Meet the Team
Anton O'Mahony
Brian Doran
Regina Butler
Paul Crone
Rachel O'Connor
Governance of the National Executive
NAPD is governed by its Constitution, Articles of Management and by the decision of its members at the annual conference.
The President is elected at the AGM at the annual conference. The office of President rotates each year between the three post-primary sectors, Community and Comprehensive, ETB and Voluntary Secondary Sector.
The National Executive meets on a monthly basis. It consists of the Presidents, nine regional representatives, a principal and deputy principal from each of the three-second level sectors and co-options to ensure gender and sectoral balance and an equal balance between representations of principals and deputy principals.
National Executive Members
President: Anton O’Mahony (C&C)
Vice President: Brian Doran (ETB)
Past President: Regina Butler (Vol Sec)
Treasurer: Susan McGann
Regional Representatives
Region 1
David McEvoy
Region 2
Susan McGann
Region 3
Andrea Finlay-Kajic
Region 4
Elaine Brady
Region 5
Anthony Reynolds
Region 6
Liam Murphy
Region 7
Tracey Groome
Region 8
Jean Marie Ward
Region 9
Deirdre Hickey
Sectoral Representatives
Community & Comprehensive
Ingrid Fallon
Sarah Gibbons
Kevin Langton
Robert Finnegan
Voluntary Secondary
Úna Ui Ghriofa
Lorraine Sherlock
Anthony Doogan
NAPD Further Education & Training
Geraldine Gibbons
Co-opted Members
Brian Goggins
Ceola McGowan
Joe Leonard