Rachel and I, reaffirm our commitment to deliver for NAPD members and reiterate that this is our primary driving force. We apologise in advance for sending out another survey, however this one is really important to ensure we continue to meet your needs as NAPD members.
NAPD Strategy Statement 2022-2027, https://www.napd.ie/strategy-2022-2027,is at the half way point. In order for Rachel and myself along with the National Executive Committee to review progress and potentially adjust targets, we would really appreciate your input and views.
The revised Mission Statement in the new Strategy in 2022 is:
NAPD is committed to the development of sustainable school leadership that is based upon philosophical and moral principles as well as professional skills and knowledge. To unite school leaders and provide a strong voice for Principals and Deputy Principals on issues of common concern, Empowering, Supporting, Representing, School Leaders.
The survey has 24 questions in 4 sections, 1. Profiling school leadership, 2. NAPD services to members and operations, 3. Sustainable leadership and 4.Availability of science labs.
The link for then survey is below:
Please do take the time to complete this survey as your views are vitally important to us. All data collected here is anonymous and will be used for the purpose of informing the NAPD National Executive Committee as part of their review of the Statement of Strategy 2022-2027 and in the formulation of NAPD policy, positions and views to ensure the NAPD voice continues to be strategically aligned to the views of the membership.
Ar aghaidh le cheile
Paul Crone